Phone and email
+1 778 598 VCST (+1-778-598-8278)
(also available on WhatsApp)
The VCST pilot phone line is a resource for anyone (settlement workers, social, health, community service providers, refugee sponsors and friends) who are supporting survivors of torture and political violence in our community. We offer you free and confidential trauma-informed support, resources, and referral.
Referral services
The agencies we are proud to work alongside include:
- The Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture (VAST)
- Vancouver Island Counseling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (VICCIR)
- DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society (DCRS)
- Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC)
- Inter-Cultural Association (ICA)
- Rainbow Refugee
- Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets – Refugee Program
- Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre (VIRCS)